Wellness Center

Our Wellness Center caters to avid fitness-oriented individuals to those looking to have a casual workout schedule. Our state of the art Wellness Center opened its doors in December 2015. In addition to the fitness center which includes a variety of workout equipment is an adjoining room for Group Fitness classes.

Wellness Center Hours & Rules

Operating Hours:
Monday – Thursday 6 am – 8 pm
Friday 6 am - 6 pm
Saturday & Sunday 8 am – 6 pm

-No children under the age of 14 unless accompanied by an adult.
-Use equipment at your own risk.
-Member is responsible for knowing his or her limitations.
-No food or beverages permitted except water, Gatorade or sport drinks in sealable, plastic containers.
-Smoking and tobacco products are not permitted.
-Report damaged equipment immediately to Wellness Center Assistant.
-Wipe down equipment after each use.
-Report injuries immediately to the Wellness Center Assistant.
-No personal items or bags permitted on the Wellness Center floor.
-Any problems, questions, or concerns regarding the Wellness Center should be submitted to the General Manager.
-Proper athletic attire must be worn at all times.
-No tennis shoes with har-tru.
-No sandals, open-toed or open-backed shoes permitted.
-During busy times or whenever someone is waiting for a machine, observe a 30-minute time limit on all cardiovascular equipment.
-Members may bring their own professional personal trainer into the Wellness Center for instruction.