Primary Member
If this is the first time logging into the new website, please use your member number as your username. Please make sure to use caps as member numbers are case sensitive.
Type in your New Temporary Password, which is also your member number.
Example: Mr. John Doe
Username: D20
Password: D20
Once you login, please update your password by following the on-screen instructions. Please make sure to have six (6) characters in your password and setup a security question. Complete these two steps to fully register on the website.
Spouse of Member
If this is the first time logging into the new website, please use your member number as your username followed by “-1”. Please make sure to use caps as member numbers are case sensitive. Please see the example below.
Type in your New Temporary Password, which is also your member number followed by “-1”.
Example: Mrs. John Doe
Username: D20-1
Password: D20-1
Once you login, please update your password by following the on-screen instructions. Please make sure to have six (6) characters in your password and setup a security question. Complete these two steps to fully register on the website.